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    Whether you are looking for a healthy alternative to coffee to wake you up in the morning or a natural way to get through an afternoon lull, explore our range of 100% natural energy-boosting teas.


    From our finest chamomile to our calming herbal infusions, our range of relaxing herbal teas will promote inner-peace and aid a restful night's sleep.


    Our range of herbal teas are packed with powerful antioxidants that naturally detoxify the body and will leave you feeling cleansed and rejuvenated.


    Give your immune system a natural boost with our range of herbal teas that are rich in vital vitamins and minerals that support our body's natural defences.


    Our range of soothing herbal teas are perfect for supporting a healthy digestive system, helping to ease discomfort and promote inner balance.


Herbal Tea Vs Tea

Although we call herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint ‘tea’ – technically they aren’t tea. That is because ‘tea’ refers only to drinks made from the camellia senesis plant – the plant from which black, green and white tea is made.

While the camellia sensesis plant accounts for most of the tea drunk around the world – and over three-quarters of the tea drunk in the UK – for centuries herbal tea has been enjoyed for its taste and medicinal benefits.

Forza Natura’s mission is to champion the force of nature and to make sure more people in the UK benefit from 100% natural herbal tea!

We offer a wide range of health-boosting herbal teas, from popular staples such as chamomile and mint, to more rare medicinal plants such as milk thistle, lemon balm, echinacea and hawthorn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Herbal teas offer a range of potential health benefits, including improved digestion, relaxation, stress relief, enhanced immunity, and relief from various ailments. The specific benefits depend on the herbs used in the blend. To find out more about the benefits of our teas visit the Herbal Codex.

To brew the perfect cup of Herbal Tea: put one teaspoon of loose leaves or one tea bag into your cup. Next, pour boiling water over it and let it steep. For our Loose Lead teas we recommend you let it steep for at least 10 minutes, but for out Tea Bags around 3-5 minutes of steeping is enough, (for more intense flavour let the tea steep for longer!) After letting it steep for enough time, add Honey or any other additive of your choice, and your prefect cup of Herbal tea is ready!

Yes, we are committed to providing high-quality 100% natural herbal teas sourced from our organic and sustainable suppliers in Moldova. Our teas are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, promoting both environmental and personal well-being. For more details visit "Our Story".

The shelf life of our herbal teas varies depending on the blend but typically ranges from 12 to 24 months. To maintain freshness, we recommend storing your teas in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and strong odours, and keep them in a sealed container.